These pictures of Tara Reid and her 10-second husband being the epitome of pristine soberness during their honeymoon gave me a hangover - (site NSFW) Drunken Stepfather
DanRad needs to use his magic wand to expectogrowsomefollicos on his girlfriend's brows - Lainey Gossip
Abercrombie's STUNT QUEEN move backfired - The Superficial
Lindsay Lohan's crack-fed weave is a wave of synthetic tragedy - Hollywood Tuna
David Henrie's got the body of a Ken Doll and the face of a CGI child - The Berry
Like Carrie Prejean before her, Christine O'Donnell needs a gay in her life to teach how to storm off like a dramatic bitch queen instead of a bumbling ass fool - Towleroad
FYI: JLove, still desperate - Celebitchy
Poke at me when the In-N-Out Preschool opens - The Daily What
Drying paint wishes it could be as boring as Emma Stone walking to her car - Popoholic
Russell Armstrong's family might sue the wonk eye off of Andy Cohen and Bravo - ICYDK
And Maddox is so using bits of Aniston's favorite Beanie Babies as bait - Popsugar
What happens when box office poison mixes with box office poison - Just Jared
Matt Boner in a banana hammock = YES - OMG Blog
The International Bowling Hall of Fame is honoring Miley Cyrus and it isn't because she's got bowling pin teefs - Celebslam
Roseanne hates that fat bitch on Dance Moms - SOW
Subway psych - Cityrag
This is usually how the best gay pornos start off - I'm Not Obsessed
OctoMom doesn't need a permit to have 10 million kids yet she needs a permit to have a stupid pool. Okay, then... - Hollywood Rag
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