"Yeah, let's make fast food healthy!
That's the ticket. Let's fuck with a winning formula, because we know so much about running a successful business and besides, we mean well and it's for the children."
It's so ironic, the biggest radicals of the sixties, with huge problems with 'authority figures', so easily hand over all control over their lives, to a few folks at the top, to the handful of politicians they keep relecting to tell them what to eat, how many flushes to flush down your shit in your toilet bowl, the mayor of NYC worried about fucking salt?
All you care about is, it's the "right" people telling you what to do.
For the smartest of smart of the population, you're just a brainwashed bunch of twits.
"Yeah, let's use one piece of toilet paper to wipe our asses, and save the planet.
Obama is only a fool, the real problem is an electorate who would make him their King.
HILLARY: "It would take a willing suspension of disbelief, to buy what he?s selling."
Source: http://dlisted.com/2011/08/19/burger-king-dead
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