Michaele Salahi -- Offered Job at Website for Cheaters

Michaele Salahi has suddenly become the most famous cheating spouse in the land -- which is why one website that specializes in extramarital affairs ... wants her to be their new spokeswoman.

A site called MarriedWivesClub.com has reached out to Salahi's management group in an effort to recruit her to work for them. The site -- which claims that 50% of women and 60% of men cheat -- feels that Michaele would be "the perfect cheating spouse to represent" them.

Because when you've landed one of the guys from Journey, clearly you know what you're doing.

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Source: http://www.tmz.com/2011/09/17/michaele-salahi-tareq-neal-schon-journey-affair-married-cheating-website-marriedwivesclub-spokesperson/

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