Beyonce covers InStyle, pays lip service to starting a family (again)

Beyonce covers InStyle, pays lip service to starting a family (again)


Beyonce covers the September issue of InStyle Magazine, probably just to promote her album, 4, because Beyonce has literally covered every fashion magazine to promote this album. Maybe she should have spent less time posing and more time in the studio? Maybe she should have spent less time tweaking and more time writing hits? I?m just sayin?. Her latest music video has been described using the words ?tweaked, David?s Bridal and tacky.? And that?s just the visual - the song sucks too.

Anyway, back to InStyle and Bey. Guess what she?s resorted to discussing to promote this album? BABIES! Beyonce and Jennifer Aniston are more alike then you think. Both feel the need to pay lip-service to ?traditional? values, when really I think their lives are nothing like that. Aniston loves her tequila and likes getting laid (by the douchiest hipster she can find) and Beyonce just likes to WORK. She doesn?t have time to do anything but work her ass off - as is her right, but I wish she would stop talking about babies whenever she?s about to go on tour for two years straight.

On sacrifice: ?I sacrificed so much as a kid and as a teenager,? she says. ?I have no regrets because my job kept me focused. When you?re young?18 or 19?you have the energy and drive. That?s the time to work as hard as you can. Now I?m a woman, and because I gave it my all, I can focus on my marriage. I can decide I want to have kids. I can be the mother I want to be and dedicate myself to my children. I want to make my job a part of my lifestyle so that I always enjoy what I?m doing.?

On why she slowed down her career: ?It was difficult. I had to turn down great things, but I did it for my sanity, my life, my relationships, my nephew, my husband, my sister, and my friendships. I deserved to give myself time to focus on things besides performing, filming, and recording.?

On downtime: ?In my free time I prefer to do nothing but sit on the couch and watch TV,? she says. ?I have to confess that my guilty pleasure is Jersey Shore.?

She has girlfriends: ?I am a girl?s girl. Women who don?t have female friends scare me. I love my friends, and I love sitting with them and listening to their stories.?

On a surprising fact about her: ?You might be surprised to know that the last thing I want to hear at a club is one of my own songs. I get so uncomfortable. It?s that awkward moment when you know that everyone is watching you to see if you?re gonna bust a move to your own song.?

[From Pop Sugar & InStyle]

What?s the current over-under on Beyonce and Jay-Z splitting up in the next year or so? I do get feelings about some couples, but I?m sometimes wrong. Beyonce?s BFF Gwyneth Paltrow has managed to hang on to Chris Martin for years longer than I thought she would, so obviously, my gossip sixth sense needs some fine-tuning. I wonder if Beyonce asks Gwyneth for marriage advice? Would you?


Here?s the behind-the-scenes video of Beyonce?s InStyle photo shoot:

Photos courtesy of InStyle.

Written by Kaiser


Posted in Beyonce

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22 Responses to ?Beyonce covers InStyle, pays lip service to starting a family (again)?

  1. I dont think even babies can make Beyonce relevant again.

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  2. sick of her, her stupid music and her trashy fashion

    Ill make sure I tear the cover of the magazine when I get it in the mail

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  3. Her marriage has lasted much longer than I thought it would. I don?t want children and I have no problem expressing that. Some people are breeders and some are not. I think we would all breathe a collective sigh of relief if she would just admit it. I don?t know why women are afraid to admit that they don?t want kids.

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  4. geeeez haters! I will take Beyonce?s brand of mass media over Katy Perry, Lady Gaga or Taylor Swift. At the very least she is talented singer who is also a great performer.

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  5. Can we just ban the word ?breeders? on this site? Just this once? I dont want kids either, but jeez, to each their own?

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  6. Many interviews from her saying a man will ask you to marry you if he chooses. Then all that cheating and waiting and letting him decide yay or nay later she does the big demanding anthem sounding ?Single Ladies: Put a Ring on It? telling women to demand the ring. As if that?s how it went down.

    She should pace herself like Dolly Parton or Tina Turner. Never grow tired of them, but they come across as being from somewhere and authentic. Can?t buy authentic and its got forever magic staying power.

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  7. Way to over it do it, Dhavy. Just open the magazine, read the section you wanna read, then close it and put it away, problem solved, what you do, frame your Instyle Magazines? Jeez.

    Anyway, you can?t compare an older woman like Aniston to Beyonce?Aniston?s age group has a lesser success rate of getting pregnant and giving birth to healthy babies. I personally feel Aniston had a crappy childhood with her parents divorce and wants to not really have babies?or IDK.

    Beyonce is young and married to the love of her life, she can talk about having babies because she is the age range, she has the husband and she is getting older. Its only natural for Beyonce to talk this way. I think its weird people demand women to get pregnant. Like seriously a woman can?t entertain the idea of having a baby? She can only talk about babies if she actually going to have one? Come on.

    A friend of mine did say that Bey?s new album does suck, I hope not but not every thing you do is amazing. Maybe her next album will be awesome.

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  8. I agree with #1. something about her is just? off.
    I really wish she would just say she isn?t going to have kids & shut up. She needs to stop talking to Goop and sit down and talk with Dolly Parton.

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  9. Sign on dhavy same tired talking points I defer to a recent poster she sings like a shrieking peacock and has the personality of a toilet bowl; her ?music? is generic pop pedestrian drivel, and she?s as programmed and corporate as they come. There is simply nothing interesting about her, and if she didn?t have the money, and the media sucking up to her, she?d still be doing local talent shows. It is baffling that people see her as some sort of queen of music, fashion, class, etc. It ain?t there folks.

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  10. I recall a random interview that Beyonce gave after watching the birth of her nephew.

    And I believe she decided then, not to have her own.

    Or should I say she decided that she would not be the one squeezing it out. She seem to be a little traumatized about it, in general.

    With all the screaming and pain.

    So I see a surrogate in her future. :)

    And I don?t blame her one bit.

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  11. @Kalluma. That?s fine if you?re not diggin Bey. However, get it right. Single Ladies (Put a ring on it), is about a break up. She?s saying, ?if you liked it, then you shoulda put a ring on it.? Cus basically she?s dating other doods. It really is a song about empowerment. The song is not about demanding a ring at all.

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  12. Beyonce seems a little too trained. There?s something not particularly genuine and thus when she attempts to come across likeable/down home/I?m just a regular gal it seems forced. As talented and as attractive as she is there is still something about her marriage that screams CONTRACT!! Even though now, she does make reference to her husband in interviews and their candid pap snaps attempt at painting a lovey dovey relationship rather than the strained air of two strangers as pics from a few years ago used to depict them.

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  13. She grates. She bugs me in a big fat way, always has, and yet I can?t put my finger on why. Guess I?m just a hater, lol.

    Having said that, this woman is all of what - 30 years old? She actually has plenty of time to decide if she wants to have a family or not. I feel just as bad for her or Aniston or any other woman that is constantly asked the question - it?s a no-win situation.

    p.s. I second the motion that the word ?breeder? be banned from this site. Since when did the desire to have children become a negative connotation?

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  14. If that?s what she wants, that?s great - but she shouldn?t feel the need to talk about it with every media outlet, especially if it?s just talking points to keep attention and sell records. She didn?t talk about her relationship at all and kept it private, why not treat the idea of starting a family the same way?

    I?ve liked a few of her songs, but I don?t really care for the way she sings. And that new song about girls ruling the world or whatever sounds like a musical disaster.

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  15. Geez, at least wait until she?s in her late thirties /early forties before you start claiming she?s not maternal. I didnt have my 1st baby until � was 38,and it was never that I didnt want one. When she?s ready, she will have them.

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  16. Exactly Jade. I was 37 with my first and just shy of 40 with my second. Beyonce and JayZ have time still.

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  17. Beyonce still seems to be very work obsessed and Jay Z has already talked about wanting to have have kids so I think that will be a real source of contention (if it?s not already) in the next few years if she continues to be a workaholic.

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  18. I absolutely loved her song for Haiti, was it Halo? I don?t listen to her music, but her singing that was beautiful.

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  19. Well if all the reports of Jay Z screwing around while on tour are accurate maybe she should wait a while before popping one out no?

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  20. Yeah, MLN76, there have been a lot of blinds that her and JayZ got the most votes.

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  21. Is it just me or is this cover awful! It?s not her her. I hate that dress! Or I hate it on her. I hate the monochromatic browns and blacks and matchy matchy thing Instyle?s got going on with the titling and random stars. Ugh!

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