Hot Slut Of The Day!

She's a Venezuelan actress whose natural beauty, talent and grace embody everything about telenovelas.

She's classy and down-to-earth in real life:

* Her assistant tried to slowly poison her and her family. She's in jail now.
* Her twin sister Daniela (yes, she even has an evil twin) had a very public bout of amnesia (Dios mio!).
* Gaby's family claims that Dany's husband has brainwashed Dany into hating her family.
* Her colleague Carmen Salinas kicked off a virtual slap fest by publicly declaring Gaby as bipolar and mentally unstable.

She's a natural beauty:

* She's (allegedly) 37, yet she's had so much work done that she now looks like Priscilla Presley.
* Her face can't move from Botox, so she can only emote in scenes by grimacing.
* She wears hot outfits like this:
* Her boobs have graced the pages of Awful Plastic Surgery:

She's talented:

* Her newest novela, Emperatriz, is doing so poorly that the producers have brought on Niurka as a guest villainess to boost the ratings. Yes, that Niurka.
* She's got hot acting skills:

* She's the voice soulmate of Miley Cyrus:

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